The Redesign Habit

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Let’s set the scene. Your master bedroom has looked the same for quite some time and you’re ready for a change. You want to go for it—a whole new look and feel for your room. The good news is, your honey is on board with you. The bad news is, your honey is on board with you. What?! While it may be easy to agree on changing the room, agreeing on what to change…not so much. This is enough to stop a lot of people from trying, but I’m here to tell you that compromise is possible. In fact, compromise is king! In almost every situation, you can find a way to merge two tastes in one space.

Let’s start with furniture. One of you wants to lighten the look, maybe go all in with white furniture to really brighten the space. The other person feels strongly that white ain’t right! Way too feminine. Here’s a possible compromise: choose a couple of pieces that are substantial, have a darker finish, and portray a masculine tone. Blend those pieces with your white furnishings. Nothing says you can’t have different finishes in the same room. As an alternative to white, your compromise could be a lighter wood tone. Still brightens the space up but isn’t as feminine as all white.

Different ideas for a color scheme? One of you is all about mint green and light blue. The other is not a fan of pastels. Again, kinda feminine. One compromise would be to add black, gray or taupe with the lighter colors. These colors will reduce the feminine factor and can be added as wall color, drapes or even throw pillows. Another option is to introduce pattern. Choosing something masculine like a plaid or geometric pattern can diffuse that feminine feel of the lighter colors. Are you seeing the pattern here? Again, it’s compromise to the rescue.

Another tip: When opinions clash, accessories can save the day. Accessories provide a great way to mix in styles and colors that can help even the most combative couples compromise. Adding rustic candle sticks or natural fiber pillows can add masculine flair, while on the other side of things maybe you could bring in your more feminine colors through a nice piece of abstract art that features those color choices or even a nice patterned area rug.

Some choices, however, are tough to navigate. For instance, it’s hard to counterbalance the femininity of a pink color scheme. Certain floral patterns can also be tricky. Lots of little roses covering a comforter? Tough to overcome. But If floral is your thing, you may be able to find a compromise by choosing a neutral color for your floral pattern or picking a floral that is less traditional leaves and flowers and leans more abstract.

No matter how couples may disagree, communication is the key to compromise. Look at lots of options. Remember, it’s a give-and-take situation. With an open mind, you and your partner can create a main bedroom, and entire home, that feels like a retreat.

Now, what will you do next to love where you live?