The Redesign Habit

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Think Spring with Easy Curb Appeal Ideas

If you’re somewhere in the midst of big snow, tiny temps, or both, spring may seem like a distant dream. If that’s your reality then turning your thoughts to flowers, sunny weather and time spent outdoors may provide a well-needed break. And if your weather is already showing signs of ditching the doldrums of winter, then you may already have a hot case of spring fever. Regardless of your situation, read on as we take on curb appeal and ways to achieve it. 

Let me curb your enthusiasm momentarily before you turn to curb appeal. It’s always a good idea to take stock of what’s working well already before you pivot to new plans that mean spending your hard-earned dollars. Ask yourself whether some of your home’s outdoor attributes can be refreshed or updated to squeeze another good year or more of value from them. I also recommend setting a budget and taking inventory of any items in storage that could be called back into service. Think about pots for plants, paint, and other items you may have squirreled away for the winter. My philosophy: Every dollar saved through redesign is a dollar available for new design. 

Curb Appeal Ideas 

Paint your pots. Maybe you want to refresh a sun-faded color or try a new color. In either case, create a vision for your outdoor space in 2024, grab some paint and go for it. It’s high value for relatively low cost.  

Add flowers or plants. This one is also easy but can be more expensive, and depending on what you buy can be a one season and done investment. Check your local home improvement stores and nurseries for springtime plant sales to be sure you’re getting the most for your money. Also, do your research to understand the types of plants and flowers that will thrive, or at least survive, your climate. If you’re like me and have a “black thumb,” only choose plants that are extremely hearty. For me, the solution is succulents. And yes, you can find succulents that add beautiful color. Color that can’t be killed. 

Refresh or change your mailbox. I hate to be a buzzkill, but if applicable check the rules of your HOA before you make any purchases. If you have an HOA, like most people you probably have a love/hate relationship with it. Rules are rules, so make sure you understand them before you have to grovel at the feet of the HOA police or change your plans.  

Paint your front door. Again, if it applies to you, clear any changes with your HOA. This tactic is often overlooked but can have a major impact. A newly painted entry can add a lot of pizazz and personality to your home’s exterior. Low cost, little time, big results. It’s so fun to pull up to a sassy new home with a fresh, welcoming front door. 

Bring out the wreath. Wreaths are not just for the holidays. They provide an excellent option when painting your front door isn’t allowed or you’re looking for an off-the-shelf solution. If you’re in the DIY mood, watch stores like Hobby Lobby and Michael’s for sales on the items to create your own wreath. Making one will almost always be more affordable than buying one. Plus it’s a great way to exercise your creative brain and get kidlets in your life involved. Don’t rule out stores like the Dollar Tree as a way to find items to add to your decoration without breaking the bank. 

Add flowerboxes to your windows.  This can be a great way to add color actually on your house without having to paint your house.  There are lots of great how-to videos for the DIYers out there and if that’s not your thing, you can find ready-made flowerboxes that aren’t too expensive. 

Refresh or add house numbers. Another great way to get a little creative if you so desire. There are many choices when it comes to displaying your house numbers and if you do a little search online on either Google or Pinterest, I promise you will find a lot of ideas to inspire you.  

Change out or refresh your exterior lighting. This can be anything from your light fixture on your garage or front door to adding some pathway lights or garden lights. There are a ton of options available that are not too expensive. If you select solar lights for your gardens and pathways, no electricity is involved and you can have them up and running in a matter of minutes! Obviously if you’re changing out wired fixtures, make sure you know what you’re doing or hire a professional. 

I hope some of these quick, easy, and affordable curb appeal ideas give you a jumping off point to creating a welcoming exterior for your home this spring!


Now, what will you do next to love where you live?


Please feel free to reach out to us at The Redesign Habit and ask questions or simply share a project that you are working on or have completed.