The Redesign Habit

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Three Options for Updating Your Kitchen Cabinets

Hi there everyone!  Are you in a place where you may be considering a kitchen update? High cost giving you second thoughts or preventing you from taking the first step? More affordable options are available including refinishing your kitchen cabinets. If you think that price tag will keep this project out of reach, read on.

First let’s lay out the options:

1.       Replace old cabinets with new: This option may be the right choice if your existing cabinets no longer function correctly, you’re completely reconfiguring your existing layout, or what you need to add cabinets and there’s no way to match what’s existing. This is the most expensive option and almost surely will involve paying someone to do the installation. Based on the goal of this blog to keep down costs, let’s rule this one out.

2.       Replace existing doors but keep the cabinets: Maybe your cabinets are decades old, and you either can’t stand the doors or they’re beat up and there’s no way to save them. If that’s the case, this option may be right for you. With a little know-how and proper tools, this DIY project might be within your budget. If not, hiring someone to hang new doors will only cost a fraction as much as replacing entire cabinets.

3.       Update the finish: This is a great choice if your existing cabinets are in good shape but look outdated—or you’re simply tired of the finish. Too light. Too dark. Too not what you want. Whatever the reason, after refinishing my own cabinets several times I can promise that it can completely change the look of your whole kitchen!

Next, let’s cover the different looks you can create whether you’re completely replacing cabinets or simply refinishing them. A good starting point is to think of your kitchen as a room with furniture, the cabinets being the furniture. We spend so much time in the kitchen we tend to think of it as just a utilitarian space, instead of seeing its potential as a social space that can set the tone for your entire home. It’s odd we do that when we know the kitchen is the room where everyone congregates at every party, get together, and brunch.

Cabinet finishes used to be limited to light, medium and dark wood finishes and of course, white. Any of those options might be perfect for you and help create a stunning space, however if you’re looking for something with more flash, consider paint. Most paint brands now include products specifically made for cabinetry. It covers better and dries with a much harder finish so it can stand up to the kitchen environment and frequent wiping. Plus, you can have any color under you want.

I hope that this blog has helped you see some of the different looks available to you when it comes to kitchen cabinetry.

Now, what will you do next to love where you live?

Please feel free to reach out to us at The Redesign Habit and ask questions or simply share a project that you are working on or have completed.

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