Don't let cost keep you from feeling the fall spirit! Use these super affordable DIY fall decor ideas to spruce up your space for pennies on the dollar - and have some fun while you're at it!

For this blog, I challenged myself to use only items purchased for five dollars or less to create several items to celebrate fall. I love all the dollar stores and the dollar bin options these days, don’t you? 

I started with baskets, vases, and a grapevine wreath I already owned. If you don’t have these types of items already, hit your local thrift store or some garage sales and pick some up ASAP—you can reuse them again and again so your small investment will be well worth it. 

For these first two ideas, all you need is a basket and the goodies to go inside. I bought five baby pumpkins from my grocery store for 69 cents each. (TIP: Poke holes in the bottom so the inside dries out and your pumpkins will last longer and mold less). I also bought two bouquets of fall-colored flowers and two packages of loose colored leaves from a dollar bin. Depending on where you live, you can use real leaves (kids love to help select them), but my Southern California palm trees don’t help much! 

1. Fall Arrangement:
Simply experiment arranging your pumpkins, leaves, and flowers until you come up with something you like. You might enjoy placing some leaves inside and some out. 

2. Tablescape:
Use the same concept as #1 to create a beautiful, colorful tablescape. Be creative and use what you may have on hand. You might bring in candles, a table runner or a favorite piece of fabric for your masterpiece.

Here is another variation on that same theme:

3. Fall Centerpiece:
My favorite. I filled a big, chunky, clear glass vase with the leaves, pumpkins, and flowers. You could use this on an entryway table, a dining table or sofa table—or even a coffee table, unless, like me, you have a big dog whose tail would celebrate “fall” an entirely different way.

4. Fall Wreath:
I simply decorated the grapevine wreath with fall flowers and leaves. You could easily embellish with ribbon, pine-cones, acorns, etc. The great thing about this kind of wreath is you don’t need glue. You can tuck items or use light wire to hold things in place, making it extremely easy to redecorate the wreath for different seasons.

I hope this blog got your creative juices flowing. You can see how easy and fun it can be to create your own fall décor for a fraction of the cost of buying finished pieces.

Now, what will you do next to love where you live?


As the daughter of a carpenter who designed and built furniture and a mother who rearranged our living room every few months as Dean Martin crooned through the stereo, my interest in home interiors is equal parts nature and nurture.

My goal is to help you understand how much your home’s visual environment can positively impact your life and how budget-friendly it can be to transform your home. My mission to help you love where you live®.


