How To Cool Down Your Outdoor Living Space

Are you finding your outdoor living space to be too darn hot to enjoy? If so, you’re not alone. As summer heats up, we tend to avoid being outside because miserable and sweaty is no way to be. It’s a shame because being outside not only increases our indoor living space but it’s also so good for us to breathe fresh air, get vitamins from the sun and enjoy everything the great outdoors has to offer. So, if you’ve been limited to grillin’ and gettin’, this blog can help.

Cooling Options


Obvious, but oddly overlooked when it comes to providing relief from the heat. Lots of options from simple, quick, and affordable to a little more involved and expensive.

  • Umbrellas: Super easy to use and available at nearly every discount store as well as online.  There are many colors and patterns available so you can add some pizzaz to your outdoor space, and with many different price points it’s an option that most everyone can take advantage of.

  • Shade cloth/Awnings. Shade cloth is a great option to cover a large space. I’ve even seen it strung up over one end of the pool to gain extra time for chilling in the water. You can find the cloth at fabric stores as well as online. It comes in different thicknesses so prices will vary accordingly. This option can also be a fun way to add some color and personality to your space. Awnings can be a great addition to your patio or deck. They have the added bonus of being retractable so they can easily be closed when you don’t want to use them. They are quite expensive though so do some thorough research to determine if this is the right option for you.

  • Solid Structure (Pergola, Gazebo, etc.): A great, more permanent solution but at a cost. The big box home stores do offer tempting sales from time to time and you can also find them online at varying prices. If you’re handy, you may be able to build it yourself from a kit or a plan. But if you don’t have the skill set, patience, or time, you’ll need to cough up the money for assembly. An extra benefit of a gazebo or similar structure is the ability to add electricity and then you can have fans and misters--now we’re talking comfort!

Misters and misting fans

These effective affordable options require little time to set up and run. They’re offered at a lot of price points and sizes so be sure to do your research. Also, there are some people who are not keen on water getting all over the area where you are sitting, especially if you’re trying to work with electronic devices. Obviously, water and electronics don’t mix. An advantage of misters over fans is that you can cover a much larger area versus a misting fan, which works well for a more specific and concentrated area.

Evaporative Coolers

These units have cool water in the bottom and a fan that pumps out cool air, not water the way a misting fan does. They come in many different sizes and can cool areas of varying sizes. If you’re looking for a dramatic cooling effect, especially in a very hot and dry climate, this may be your solution. Some units can drop the temp within its range by 20 to 30 degrees. Pricier, yes. But I know people who use them and swear they’re worth the cost. Make sure to do your research and check reviews to ensure you’re getting a good, proven product with an acceptable warranty. Of course, they require electricity so be sure you have a good, safe way to bring electricity to the unit. And for obvious reasons they should never be used near a pool or water feature.

If you’re not using your outdoor spaces as much as you’d like to, I hope these ideas may motivate you to leave your beautiful home and enjoy the beauty of your outdoor space -- even during the hotter months.

Now, what will you do next to love where you live?

Please feel free to reach out to us at The Redesign Habit and ask questions or simply share a project that you are working on or have completed.

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As the daughter of a carpenter who designed and built furniture and a mother who rearranged our living room every few months as Dean Martin crooned through the stereo, my interest in home interiors is equal parts nature and nurture.

My goal is to help you understand how much your home’s visual environment can positively impact your life and how budget-friendly it can be to transform your home. My mission to help you love where you live®.


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