Considering new flooring? Unsure of which home flooring to choose? I’m here to help. Flooring will make a big impact on the look and feel of your home, so in this blog we’ll cover the very important questions to consider before you make this very big, very expensive choice.



The first thing to think about when choosing new flooring is where it’s going—bathroom, kitchen, family room, etc. Besides determining the look you want, you should also think about the feel. By this I mean some floors feel colder, harder, warmer, friendlier, more formal, and so on. Weather will likely impact your decision. For instance, if you live where winter temps are frigid, you may want to avoid hard-surfaces like wood or tile in bedrooms and your favorite living spaces. Area rugs can provide a decent workaround, but if you have to cover a large amount of your beautiful, expensive wood or tile floor with rugs, that may not be wise or economical.



What will happen in this space? Will food or beverages be involved? Is it a high-traffic area? A play area for kids or pets? All of these questions should be asked and answered before you make your flooring choice. For instance, you probably don’t want carpet in a kitchen, bath, or laundry room. We’ve all seen it, and I think we all have the same reaction….WHY, WHY, WHY? Exactly. Be practical, people. A lot of pain can be avoided by following the simple design adage, form follows function.



Who will be using the space? Someone who’s elderly and may trip easily? Small children or pets, who sometimes—as we know all too well—are messy or even destructive? (Two-legged and four-legged kids can be trouble.) If the new flooring is for mom’s craft room, a nice tile or laminate flooring could be ideal—simple clean-up, durable, doesn’t scratch or mar easily. As you consider your situation, make sure you understand who will be walking, playing, crafting or perhaps even destructing on your new floor.



The “how” question has two variations: How much will it cost? How will it be installed? We all have budgets to work with, so make sure to be a smart shopper and strongly consider your installation options and whether you can take on all or some of the work yourself (often the installation costs are as much or more than the price of the flooring itself).


  • Carpeting will warm up your space, both physically and visually

  • Darker-colored flooring (hard or soft) can help ground your space, but if your furniture and walls are dark too, it may make your room feel bottom-heavy and cave-like

  • Think of your floor as another wall in your room—visually, it’s a big space so choose your colors accordingly

  • When you consider cost, think about longevity; flooring is expensive so select a surface that will work as your design needs and style change over time. You may get up one day and decide to change your color scheme completely. Not that I would—okay, I totally would…and have.

  • Remember hard floors can feel and look cold, and so your room can take on those characteristics as well—this may be a good or bad thing, be aware.

  • Ceramic, slate tiles, cement, and similar surfaces might perfectly complete your kitchen, laundry or bath, but if you’re going to be standing for long periods you may need one of those nice, cushy floor mats to keep your feet and back comfy as you work.

I hope this will help you make the right flooring choice for your home.

Now, what will you do next to love where you live?


As the daughter of a carpenter who designed and built furniture and a mother who rearranged our living room every few months as Dean Martin crooned through the stereo, my interest in home interiors is equal parts nature and nurture.

My goal is to help you understand how much your home’s visual environment can positively impact your life and how budget-friendly it can be to transform your home. My mission to help you love where you live®.


