What’s Happening in Paint Colors in 2024….

Hello everybody and welcome to a blog favorite here at The Redesign Habit. For whatever reason, everyone who loves DIY and home interiors are tickled pink to learn what the hot colors are for each new year. It’s like the Golden Globes of interior decorating! So grab your popcorn and don your formal outfit if you like, I’ve collected the top picks from seven well-known paint manufacturers to share with you.  

Before I start, let me reinforce the advice I often give: it’s fun to see what’s trendy and may help inspire you on a project, but in the end it’s your home, your decision and you will be living with your color choice every day so make sure to pick colors you love. That should be the ultimate deciding factor when choosing colors for your home. 

Most Popular Paint Colors for 2024 

Cracked Pepper by Behr

Behr Paint is up first and their top color pick is Cracked Pepper. This is definitely a bold statement color not for the faint of heart. It’s a beautiful and moody choice that could certainly add drama to a room in your home.

Limitless by Glidden

Glidden Paint is next with Limitless. This soft, almost buttery color could be your perfect neutral. I would describe it as a cross between yellow and tan. Definitely a color that might work well in any room where you’re looking for a neutral that isn’t taupe or gray.


Ironside by Dutch Boy

Dutch Boy Paint weighs in with Ironside. This deep, green gray provides a darker neutral option. Because of the green undertone and the darker tone, you may want to avoid using it in certain spaces. In a living room, dining room, or den, it would certainly be a beautiful and dramatic choice.


Blue Nova by Benjamin Moore

A top pick from Benjamin Moore Paint this year is Blue Nova. This blue features a hint of violet, producing a different feel than some of the more common blues. Setting a serene, calm mood, it could make for a lovely change of pace for your bedroom or home office.


Persimmon by HGTV/Sherwin Williams

HGTV/Sherwin William’s 2024 choice is Persimmon. Fresh and bright, I love the liveliness this color delivers. If you have neutral furnishings and accessories, Persimmon may add the pizzaz your room needs to come to life.

Upward by Sherwin Williams

Upward is the 2024 choice from Sherwin Williams. This is a beautiful and calm, blue-gray color that brings a lovely sense of calm. It could work well any room and lends itself to  “natural feel” design that can be complemented with natural finishes, fabrics, and accessories.

Renew Blue by Valspar

Rounding out the list is Valspar Paint with Renew Blue. This beautiful, soft color and would be stunning in about any room, and I especially can see it perfectly suiting a bathroom. With an updated, retro blue-green vibe, it delivers a light, uplifting feel. 

Final Color Advice 

I enjoy seeing the colors for the new year and hope you enjoyed this comprehensive review.  Color often serves as the starting point for a project, providing that spark inspiration. Regardless of whether one of these colors “spoke” to you or touched you deep within your soul, I wish you the best as you tackle any new home projects for the year. Why not introduce a new color into your home as a way to jumpstart a fantastic 2024! Choose what you love and you can’t go wrong. 

Now, what will you do next to love where you live? 

Please feel free to reach out to us at The Redesign Habit and ask questions or simply share a project that you are working on or have completed. For more great stories and ideas please follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


As the daughter of a carpenter who designed and built furniture and a mother who rearranged our living room every few months as Dean Martin crooned through the stereo, my interest in home interiors is equal parts nature and nurture.

My goal is to help you understand how much your home’s visual environment can positively impact your life and how budget-friendly it can be to transform your home. My mission to help you love where you live®.


Interiors Are Going Green in 2024


Happy Holidays to You and Your Home